How does your life reflect the image of God, the Father? Listen as Pastor Matt continues in the You Are Known series.
Pastor Matt continues the You Are Known series, a series on identity.
Our thoughts... what we think, what we focus on, determines our destiny. What is your focus? Is your First Love Jesus or something else? Lisen as Pastor Andy Hurst unpacks…
Where we stand in relationships matter. Even in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Come position yourself with hope and anticipation of what the Lord is ready to do in your…
The path of the lives of people who follow Jesus is not a straight line to glory. Instead, it twists and turns and how you are outfitted changes along the…
What is a crown of righteousness? What is righteousness, anyway? In this Mother’s Day teaching we honor the women of faith among us and find how Christ wants to use us all…
Ever wonder where God is when your faith is shaken, tragedy strikes, or integrity hardly seems worth it? Pastor Matt takes a look at the life of Ruth.
Listen as Pastor Matt begins a series on Ruth and the hope she inspires.
Everyone has priorities whether they know it or not, but what is your “First Love?” Who or what is primary in your life? Listen as Pastor Andy Hurst asks the question,…
Easter Sunday was great, but now what? How do you carry resurrection Sunday into everyday?