Christ wants us to recognize our mess, but never wants us to stay in our mess.
Have doubts about life or eternity? Scared to admit it? Listen as Pastor Matt teaches on how Jesus responds to our doubts?
Are you experiencing breakthrough in your life? Are your "keys" cut from the Master Key, or from a secondary source? Listen as Pastor Matt talks about breakthrough, and how Jesus…
Have you believed the lie that you can't be transformed into a new creation because of your mess? Pastor Matt encourages us to be willing to be transformed through our…
Pastor Matt begins a new series called Hot Mess... What to do when you don't have it all together.
Pastor Matt concludes the Sent series focusing on this passage from 1 John 4. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear...
What Prevents Passion? An Unbalanced Schedule. An Unused Talent. An Unfaithful Lifestyle. An unclear purpose.
Is your relationship with Jesus simply vertical? Jesus taught and lived with constant horizontal relationships with those around him in addition to his connection with Heaven. There is vertical relationship with…
More often that not, sharing the Gospel is as simple is just asking someone the question. What are you doing relationally to help others encounter Jesus?
Being sent is not going on a mission trip to a place and then returning home. Being sent is a lifestyle dedicated to changing lives.