
The Now and Not Yet

November 24, 2019
Thought about your future? How far: 5 years, 20 years, 100 years? Eternity is guaranteed to come, but it is also with us now. 


November 17, 2019
Most of us are awaiting eternity to see Heaven, but Jesus talked about Heaven on Earth. What you are missing or misunderstanding and how do you find it?

Setting A Table

November 10, 2019
Pastor Matt continues in the As It Is In Heaven series with this teaching on communinion and living in community. 

Denying Ourselves

November 3, 2019
Pastor Matt and Dillan Ford team preach this opening to the As It Is In Heaven series.

Radical Treasure

October 27, 2019
Our treasures have tremendous power over us. Hunting the wrong treasures even blind us to our own desires. Come experience the grace of hunting radical treasures.

Radical Love

October 20, 2019
We have sanitized our sin. We have normalized our unholiness, status quoed our selfishness, we have become comfortable with our conformity… so much so, that we have lost touch with our…

Radical Risk

October 6, 2019
In American life, we forget how Jesus calls us to live. It is a radical calling that non-Christians would say is a crazy life, but should be normal to us.

Taking It To The Mess (SW)

September 29, 2019
Dr. Andy Hurst shares at the SW campus how to let Jesus meet you in your mess; and, let Jesus be known to others and for others in the midst of…

A Narrow Mess

September 22, 2019
Christ wants us to recognize our mess, but never wants us to stay in our mess.

A Doubting Hot Mess

September 15, 2019
Have doubts about life or eternity? Scared to admit it? Listen as Pastor Matt teaches on how Jesus responds to our doubts? 
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