St. Luke’s Central Campus Praise Band & Praise Choir
The Central Campus Praise Band is a vocal, guitar, and keyboard driven ensemble that leads worship during the 10:45 worship service at the central campus. On occasion, the band also provides musical leadership at block parties, prayer meetings, and other events both on and off campus. We enjoy including a variety of other instruments when available to enhance the sound of the ensemble. Participation is on a rotational basis, around two or three times a month.
If you sing or play an instrument and are interested in joining the praise band, please contact Dr. Andy Coward, music director at the central campus. Participation is by audition due to the musical skill needed for leading music in a small ensemble.
The Praise Choir is a vocal ensemble that provides musical and visual support to the praise band. It is our goal to fill the choir loft with worshipers who sing from their hearts and inspire the church to do the same. If you are interested in joining the praise choir, no audition is necessary. Singers in the praise choir are encouraged to blend voices to produce a good group sound. Contact Dr. Andy Coward for more information.
Weekly Schedule
Saturday | rehersal | 10:00-11:30am | Choir Loft |
Sunday | sound check | 9:30am | Choir Loft |
Gathering Song | 10:43am | Choir Loft | |
Service Starts | 10:45am | Choir Loft |
Saturday Rehearsal
10:00-11:30 am – Choir Loft
Sunday Sound Check
9:30 am – Choir Loft
Sunday Gathering Song
10:43 am – Choir Loft
Sunday Service Starts
10:45 am – Choir Loft

Typical Sunday Ensemble
2 Lead Vocals | Acoustic Guitar | Bass Guitar | Piano/Keys |
2 Harmony Vocals | Electric Guitar | Drums | Occasional (Flute, Violin, etc.) |
Typical Sunday Ensemble
2 Lead Vocals | 2 Harmony Vocals
Acoustic Guitar | Electric Guitar
Bass Guitar | Drums
Piano/Keys | Flute/Strings