About US
Our Mission
The Way LBK is a Christ-centered family of GRACE where all persons are welcome and wanted. We are committed to Reach, Grow and Send forth fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
The Way LBK
5805 98th St.
Lubbock TX 79424
(806) 771-0555
Sunday Mornings
9.30am – Sunday School
10.30am – Modern Worship
What We Believe
The Way LBK is a Christ-centered family of grace where all persons are welcome and wanted. We are committed to Reach, Grow and Send forth fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
We believe that a living relevant faith in Jesus Christ is the answer to our personal and world needs. Therefore, we openly invite people to follow Jesus Christ as Lord. We, also are not afraid to take on the tough questions and situations of our day with a blend of heartfelt faith, open mindedness, and practical action.
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and are committed to having every person at St. Luke’s be part of a small group or Sunday School class where the content, the wisdom, and the life of scripture is learned and applied to every-day experience. Christian education for real life has a very high value at St. Luke’s Lubbock.
We believe that the love of God compels us to reach beyond the walls of our church (making God’s presence real in every day life) and beyond the normal boundaries of people (race and culture, class, background, political parties, etc.). That means that outreach and diversity are growing passions at St. Luke’s Lubbock. In a day when polarized religion seems to rule the day, we stand for unity in Christ and see our differences as expressions of the variety of God’s work among us.
We believe that God calls all people to a life of service in the name of Jesus Christ. Congregational participants and members are called to ministry just as much as the pastors and are encouraged to hear and respond to God’s call both inside and outside the church.
We observe the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We baptize infants and young children, as well as youth and adults. The method of baptism can be by sprinkling, pouring or immersion. We recognize the baptisms of people from other Christian denominations and non-denominations. Baptism is a “once-in-a lifetime” experience, so we do not rebaptize people at St. Luke’s Lubbock. We do reaffirm our baptism both as a whole congregation and as individuals in special services each year.
The Lord’s Supper is offered to adults and children who are seeking Jesus. We celebrate the sacrament at least once each month. Our methods of this Holy Communion include kneeling at the altar, intinction (tearing off and dipping bread in the cup of juice,) and/or passing the elements in the pews.
Our Staff
Gary Boles
Interim Pastor, The Way
Hope Ramsey
Associate Student Pastor
Rosemary Sanchez